
Here’s the latest update on the University of Indonesia Program and our Kamoro.

For more information on the series called Week of Cultural Variety Papua: The Kamoro skip ahead to the next story on university Indonesia: Bali. That was the inaugural event and you’ll find much more background there.

Bentara Budaya has the schedule on what our Kamoro did in Jakarta during the week.


The exhibition ran from 1 August to 5 August, 2012 at the Bentara Culture Centre Jakarta, Jl. South Palmerah 17, Jakarta 10270. 
  • Inauguration: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 at 18:00 pm
  • Inaugurated by the Minister of Environment,
    Prof. Dr. Balthazar Kambuaya, MBA.
  • The exhibition ran from 1 August to 5 August, 2012 at the Bentara Culture Centre Jakarta, Jl. South Palmerah 17, Jakarta 10270.
"As much as what tribe in Papua you know?" Starting from the question FISIP UI Papua Center held a "Week of Culture Variety Papua: The Kamoro".  Objective realization of this event is to introduce and describe the daily life and local knowledge of people Kamoro. The event was also organized with the hope may be a means pengenaluasan Papua diverse cultures and increase their repertoire of ethnographic studies in Indonesia. As a depiction of the lives of everyday people Kamoro, "Culture Week Variety Papua: The Kamoro" will contain an ethnographic exhibition, cultural performances, cultural dialogue, film shows, and sales of carvings. In addition Jakarta Bentara Culture "Culture Week Variety Papua: The Kamoro" has been held in Bali Bentara Culture (22 June-1 July 2012), and after Bentara Culture of Jakarta will also be on display in the  Campus FISIP Universitas Indonesia Depok (10-15 September 2012).  This event is in cooperation with the Papua Center UI FISIP Kompas Gramedia, Bentara Culture, PT. Puncak Jaya Power, and PT Freeport Indonesia.